Clown Loach is one of the most popular breeds to keep in your aquarium to increase the beauty of it. But what size tank do I need for clown loach? What type of tank is the most suitable for this species?
You are going to need over 150 gallons for full-grown six clown loaches. If you are keeping less, 75 gallons is the bare minimum I will suggest.
There are some other factors regarding the tank I have discussed later in this article. Read on to know more.

The Ideal Clown Loach Tank Size
For a single clown loach, 55-gallon is good to go. But as they are tending to be happier within a group, a group of 5-6 adult clown loach can fit into a tank of 150 gallons.
When you see one of them in a pet store, they are barely above 2-3 inches. Many beginners make the first mistake here thinking they are small fish. But a full-grown clown loach can be grown 12 inches large.
On the other hand, these are very active and playful fish. So, they need bigger space to roam around. Otherwise, small spaces or solidarity can make them stressed and they will spend most of their time hiding.
If you want to enjoy the full potential of this fish in our tank, you must provide the space it requires.
Tank shape for Clown Loach
Any shape is okay as long as it is not narrow.
Clown loaches are more comfortable in middle and the bottom part of the aquarium. They roam and play around in groups. So wide space is suitable for this species.
If the tank is narrow and long, tank size will go in vain. Because it will not provide enough area for them to grow comfortably.
A rectangular shape is a go to shape and most of the time and it is risk free. Because it is wide enough to provide the space it needs.
How does the Tank need to be Set up?
The first thing you can add to your tank is a lot of plants which will provide natural hiding spots for them.
Clown loaches are naturally used to live in a slow-steam river. It is best to try to replicate that environment in the aquarium. You can add sand, pebbles, and natural plants, which will provide a more natural feel to the aquarium.
Plants will naturally create hiding spots for them, but if you want to be a bit extra, add some cave and they will surely love the addition.
Clown loaches are most active when the light is dim such as early in the morning or after sunset. Try to set the tank in a shady corner of the house to enjoy the maximum activity of clown loach.
How many Clowns Loach Can I Keep Together?
You can keep five or more clown loach in the aquarium as they like to stay in a group.
You can increase or decrease the number according to your aquarium size and your preference. Because you need to keep in mind that, they grow very large, around 12 inches as an adult. On the other hand, naturally, they are very active fish.
That is why choosing the group member of this family is as important as the tank size you are going to need to rise clown loach.
Best Tank Mates for Clown Loach
The best tank mate for clown loach is clown loach. The same species of this family is best suitable to keep together in a tank.
It is another reason for being a beginner-friendly fish is that you do not need to maintain a male-female ratio. Plus, clown loach neither has any territorial issue, not an aggressive fish. So, it is not that difficult to determine the tank mates of clown loach.
If you want to add another species to your aquarium other than clown loach, you can think of any non-aggressive species. Such as cherry barb, angelfish, kuhli loach, black skirt tetra, etc. As a community fish, clown loach easily mixes up together with any other non-aggressive fish species.
Incompatible Species to be Tank Mate for Clown Loach
Cichlids are not a good option to be the tank mate of clown loach.
Some species of cichlids may get along with clown load but I do not recommend keeping them together. Because cichlids are too aggressive for clown loach and make the environment stressful for them.
Though clown loach has some defense and a sharp spine beneath the eye, but it is not reliable. There are multiple good options to keep with other than cichlids.
Can Clown Loach Breed in a Tank?
Breeding clown loach in a captive state inside the tank is a very difficult process and nearly impossible.
Some attempts may succeed but that is in very rare cases. That is why most of the aquarists do not try to breed clown loach in the tank.
The reason it is difficult to breed it in a tank is that, clown loach migrates to shallow flooded forest areas when it is time to breed. They spawn there and again move. It is not possible to recreate this environment in a tank.
Another reason is, whenever they might spawn in a tank, they tend to eat the eggs before it hatches. Which makes it more difficult to breed this species.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is clown loach hard to keep?
Is clown loach aggressive?
Can I keep one clown loach?
Does clown loach eat other fish?
How long does it take a clown loach to reach full size?
How often should I feed my clown loach?
What is the lifespan of a clown loach?
You may know by now why clown loach has its popularity. It is beautiful and active. On the other hand, they are peaceful in nature and get along with all the other peaceful freshwater fish.
Another benefit you are going to get is, clown loach is great to fish for beginners. If you just started this new hobby and can afford a large aquarium, you are good to go.
Again, mentioning the aquarium size because many new aquarists underestimate their size when they are young. They have moderate growth and will be needed large space to swim soon enough.
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